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We invite visitors to enjoy these complimentary
services at Mar Vista Farmers’ Market.
Dog Sitting Service
No need to leave your pup at home! Dog sitting service is provided every Sunday by Doggie Bliss.
The Health Department considers a farmers' market a 'food facility’ – the same as a restaurant or supermarket. Animals are not allowed.
Our solution to this problem is to provide a lovely place for your pooch to rest, have a slurp of water, and hang with a loving and knowledgeable professional while you shop.

Gary’s Knife Sharpening Service
Keep your knives up to par by bringing them to market and dropping them off for sharpening while you visit, eat, shop.
Bike Valet and Repair
It’s time to get back in the saddle! Get your bikes in top riding condition and ride them – even those dusty and overlooked in the garage – with our useful service and valet.The bike valet and repair stand is located at in front of Big Waves Laundromat at the Southwest corner of Pacific and Grand View. It’s open from 9 am-1:45 pm, but particularly busy from 11 am-1 pm.
Handling light bike repairs, the mechanic does all he can with the tools he has and will advise on other needed repairs. While he has no spare parts onsite, bike owners can walk to a nearby shop and buy the part they need, such as a new inner tube or brake cable. Our valet will also watch our bike while you visit with your friends and neighbors and your favorite farmers.